Croatian Nazis – The Worst Monsters The World Had Known

Most people know little about or have never heard of the Ustase – a Croatian, racist, Nazi-like movement formed in 1929 that ruled Croatia during World War II. Only four days after the commencement of the Nazi Germany military campaigning against the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the terrorist group that was trained for years by Adolf Hitler and condoned by the Catholic Church to destabilize the young monarchy, seized power and proclaimed the new fascist state.The Fuhrer generously rewarded his proxies with huge territory, while the Catholic Church hurried to assist the murderers in enacting their monstrous agenda and crimes to come. The murderers were known as the Ustashe, or Ustasha and the clero-fascist state became known as the “Independent State of Croatia”….

Mile Budak, the ideologist of their movement, proclaimed that one third of the Serbs should be killed, one third expelled and one third converted to Catholicism. In that regard, the Ustaše were much more ambitious than the Nazis themselves. In 1943,Aloysius Stepinac wrote to the Vatican that 240,000 Serbs had been converted to Catholicism in the Independent State of Croatia.This is the atmosphere in which the “conversion”, or, to be more exact, the forced conversion of Serbs to Catholicism was being carried out. The call of Priest Dionizije Juricević, addressed to the residents of the village of Staza, where he came to forcibly baptize the Orthodox into Catholicism, was as follows:“We are well aware where those who reject the Baptism will be sent. I have already ‘cleansed’ all these southern lands, from infants to elders. And I am ready to do the same here, if necessary, because today there would be no sin in killing a seven-year-old child if he is impeding the progress of our Ustase regime… Disregard my priestly vestments. Know that, if need be, I can take a submachine gun and annihilate all who will resist the state and the Ustase authorities”…

The ustaša state set up concentration camps, of which the most infamous is Jasenovac, where more than 600,000 people, mostly Orthodox Serbs, were systematically murdered( 30,000 Jews and 27,000 Gypsies).In a report to Himmler, SS General Ernst Frick estimated that “600 to 700,000 victims were butchered in the Balkan fashion.” …One source estimates that 770,000 Serbs, 40,000 Gypsies and 20,000 Jews were done to death in the Jasenovac camp” (Dr. Nora Levin, The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933-1945, Schocken Books, New York, 1973 ed.: 515)…Methods of killing and torture in Jasenovac included the pulling up or burning of beard or moustaches, particularly to Orthodox priests, the skinning, massacring by knives, beheading, the cutting off tongues, extremities and genitals, nailing a knife into a victim’s mouth.Victims were thrown into the fire alive, they were burnt with red-hot iron, they were killed with hammers, picks, butts, knives, axes, bombs, they were hanged and shot.On an Orthodox Christmas, the Ustaše organized a competition in killing with knives.For slaughtering 1 360 Serbs during only one August night of 1942 at Jasenovac, Petar Brzica was awarded an Ustaša medal.Having been proclaimed the prize-winner of the competition, he was named “King of the Cut-throats”. A gold watch, a silver service, a roasted suckling pig, and wine were among his rewards(The Vatican’s Holocaust, Ozark Books,1986: 48.)…

Even some of the Germans were horrified by the cruelty of the Ustaši. The highest ranking officer in Yugoslavia, Edmund Glaise von Horstenau, evoked his firm disapproval in a report to Berlin, writing of the “the indescribable filthy things by that gang of murderers and criminals.”…A Gestapo report to Heinrich Himmler from 1942 stated, “The Ustaše committed their deeds in a bestial manner not only against males of conscript age but especially against helpless old people, women and children.”…Dr. Hermann Neubacher, Hitler’s foremost political expert for the Balkans, concurred: “The prescription for the Orthodox Serbs issued by the leader and Führer of Croatia, Ante Pavelić, was reminiscent of the bloody religious wars of yore: One third must be converted to Catholicism, another third must be expelled, and the final third must die. The last part of the program has been carried out.”…

Curzio Malaparte, a member of the Fascist party, was in Italy’s diplomatic service from 1922 to 1931 and a reserve captain and war correspondent when he visited the Croat Fuehrer Ante Pavelić in Zagreb. Malaparte wrote in Kaputt (10th ed., Rome, 1948: 313) that Pavelić had a basket of human eyes on his desk and quoted Pavelić’s proud claim, “It is a present from my loyal Ustashas. Forty pounds of human eyes.”…Francesco Bassotiti supported Malaparte’s reports in an article in Il Borghese magazine (Rome, 1960)…

The Jasenovac system of Croatian camps also included a camp for children.The children in Children’s barrack inconsolably cried and called their mothers, who were only a few meters away; but the fascist Croats sadistically forced them to listen while keeping them away. One of the most shocking testimonies was the one of Jana Koh , former secretary of Red Cross Croatia: ” The barracks were connected by passages guarded by Ustasha guard. Even though away from the barracks, I often heard the sad cry of the imprisoned children. They were placed on the bare floor, four hundred children: infants, few weeks together with the several months old and the older were ten years old.“… Dr Lazar Marguljes, a doctor from Osijek testifies about unimaginable conditions at Sisak concentration camp: ” I’ve noticed that the food parcels sent by Red Cross have never been given to the imprisoned children. My duty as a medic was to research these small prisoners, therefore I often visited these places: former Yugoslav Falconry Association building (‘ Sokolana’), where the children lay on bare concrete or, if they had little luck, on a straw.”… Most tragically, 19 432 children were also murdered by the Ustaše at Jasenovac alone…

Catholic priests, monks and nuns took the most active part in the genocide of Orthodox Serbs.John Cornwell, a research fellow at Jesuit College and devout Catholic who studied Vatican archives reports in Hitler’s Pope, “Ustashe leadership embarked on their massacres with a cruel and haphazard barbarism that has few parallels in history…. Priests, invariably Franciscans, took a leading part in the massacres. Many went around routinely armed and performed their murderous acts with zeal.” (Penguin Books, New York, 1999: 249-254)…

In his memoir, 44 Months in Jasenovac, Egon Berger described the Croatian Franciscan friar Tomislav Filipovic Majstorovic, also known as Fra Sotona (‘Brother Satan’), the notorious commandant of Jasenovac: “Friar Majstorovic told the mothers that their children would be baptized and took them from the mothers, the child whom Friar Majstorovic had in his arms, innocently touched his killer’s made-up face. The mothers, distraught, recognized the situation. They offered their lives in exchange for mercy for the children. Two children were placed on the ground, while the third was thrown like a ball into the air. Friar Majstorovic, pointing a dagger up, missed three times, but the fourth time with a joke and a laugh, the child was impaled on the dagger.The mothers threw themselves on the ground, pulling their hair, and began to shout dreadfully. The Ustasa guards of the 14th Division from Osijek took them away and killed them. Once all three children had been so brutally killed, these three two-legged beasts exchanged money, because they seemed to have a bet who would be the first to stick a dagger in a child.”…

Thus, Priest Mata Gravanovic was executed together with several Ustase by the Nazis for mass atrocities against Serbs.According to the International Commission for the Truth on Jasenovac, 1,400 Catholic priests (two thirds of the total number) were involved in the genocide. The Vatican never attempted to use this leverage to prevent this genocide.No one has ever been punished for this Balkan Holocaust!And i have a glimmer of hope that the world is finally going to start learning about the most “monstrous death camp” from WWII — Jasenovac.

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2 Responses to Croatian Nazis – The Worst Monsters The World Had Known

  1. Jackie2015 says:

    Ever read the book “De Vermoorde Onschuld” by Robin de Ruiter?
    The whole tribunal in the Hague with Carla Duponte I believe her name was has been one big set up. Slobodan Milosevic did have the undeniable and damaging proof who in fact was responsible for the genocide. And it sure wasn’t him. He was poisoned. Strategic pipelines were playing an important role, The global elte needed a scapegoat

    Liked by 1 person

    • Navo woordvoerder Jamie Shea zei in mei 1999, tijdens de bombardementen in Balkan:’Natuurlijk steunt de Navo het Internationaal Joegoslavie tribunaal.We hebben het zelf opgericht!’…Het door de VS gefinancierde en bemande ICTY is een hoofdwapen in de strijd van de Nieuwe Wereldorde om hun doelstellingen door te voeren en regeringen en volken, die voor hun vrijheid opkwamen te bestraffen…


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